1. RECYCLING means leading used up materials to the state which enable their later reuse.
How many letters in the word recycling is/are middle symmercial?
a) Three
b) One
c) Two
d) Five
2. One tonne wastepaper let save 17 trees which cutting down would be crucial for making new paper.
How many kilograms of wastepaper save one tree?
a) 17 kg
b) about 6 kg
c) about 59 kg
d) 100 kg
3. The oldest in Poland - Chrobry oak has the height of 130 cm and its circumference is 9, 92 m.
What is the diameter of oak trunk on that height?
a) about 7,63 m
b) about 1,58 m
c) about 5,84 m
d) about 3,16 m
4. What is the height of 'Bartek oak', one of the oldest natural monuments in Poland?
Give the result with 1 m precision.
5. At the same time from a harbour sailed away a passenger steamer and cutter. Both ships were sailing in the same direction, the first one with speed of 24 km per hour, the second one with speed 15 km per hour. After 3 hours steamer grounded. After some time streamer continued travelling and 7 hours later caught cutter. How many hours the steamer was grounded ?
6. Two barrels contain together 240 litres of water. If we pour from the first barrel amount of water to double the content of the second, and next from the second barrel pour amount of water to double the content of the first, then in both barrels will be the same amount of water. How many litres of water were in barrels at the beginning?
In maths competition took part 100 scientists. 90 of them were speaking English, 75 of them Polish, 70 of them Italian and 66 of them Spanish. Was among them a scientist who was speaking all four languages?