– Schools’ Partnership Projects it is one of the four sectors of “Lifelong Learning Programme” established by the European Parliament and European Commission for years 2007 – 2013. The project supports financial and factual cooperation of European schools by realisation common project.The Comenius Project is directed to :
- students learning up to high school;
- schools determined by member countries;
- teachers and school working staff of these schools;
- associations, non-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations and representatives of organizations connected with education;
- people and organizations responsible for organizing and realization of education on local, district and country level;
- research centres and organizations dealing with lifelong educational matters;
- high schools;
- organizations providing advises connected with lifelong educational matters.
DECISION NR 1720/2006/WE the European Parliament and European Commission, 15th of November 2006, establishing the activity programme connected with lifelong education, R.I, art. 16.
Specific aims of the Comenius Programme:
- developing and improvement of knowledge about culture and European languages and understanding its values;
- helping young people with gaining basic skills and life competences essential to personal development, future working and active European citizenship.
Operational aims of Comenius Programme:
- To improve the quality and to increase the volume of mobility involving pupils and educational staff in different Member States
- To improve the quality and to increase the volume of partnerships between schools in different Member States, so as to involve at least 3 million pupils in joint educational activities during the period of the programme
- To encourage the learning of modern foreign languages
- To support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice in lifelong learning
- To enhance the quality and European dimension of teacher training
- To support improvements in pedagogical approaches and school management
Activities supported by Comenius:
a. Mobility including:
- Exchange of pupils and school staff;
- Students mobility and traineeship in schools and companies for teaching staff;
- Participation in training course for teachers and school Staff;
- Study tours preparing for activities dealing with mobility, partnership, project matters (also contact seminaries);
- Traineeship for teachers and future teachers;
b. Creating partnerships:
- Between schools having the aim to develop different kind of educational project for students and teachers;
- Between local and regional authorities in order to promote European education;
Realization the aims of Comenius and international and borderland partnership, expanding educational offer for students (Comenius Regio since 2009)
c. Multilevel project.
d. Multilevel network.
e. Other initiatives having the purpose to support the aims of Comenius Project.
Countries involved in:
- 27 membership countries of European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Spain, Holland, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Hungary, Italy, Great Britain
- EFTA/EOG countries: Island, Liechtenstein, Norwegia
- The country running for EU: Turkey.