Description of the project
The aim of our project is the cooperation in the field of Mathematics and Science. It is designed to learn by recognising and researching ecological condition of the environment applying active methods.
The teachers and the students will be involved in four thematic areas. In the field of Geography and Biology we will study the main factors influencing the ecology of the region. We will also examine the impact of natural disasters on the environment and analyse the issue of cutting down the trees. In the area of Chemistry the teachers and the students will examine the cleanness of the air and water. The work in Physics will consist in doing research on the sources of energy and their impact on the environment. Mathematics teachers with a group of students will be involved in each stage of the project. Each partner school will prepare a set of mathematical problems related to the topic of the project and make it available to the other schools. The solutions will be sent back and corrected by the author. While working on the project the students will record violent natural phenomena. In addition, schools will prepare a performance for 22nd March – World Water Day. At each stage of the project we will cooperate with institutions responsible for protection of the environment. A number of field trips will be organised as well. We will put together several presentations, descriptions of the outcomes, reports, videos etc. We will make all the products available to partner schools. Most of school community will be involved in the project work as its subject will be integrated in the school curriculum. We are planning four meetings – two in each year.
We would like to participate in the Comenius program because:
• We are interested in the improvement of the quality of our didacticism
• We would like to promote foreign languages learning and European education
• Exchange didactic and pedagogic experiences and good practice with the European schools
• Strengthen the identity to the set of Europeans schools on the school ground which are multilingual and multicultural
• Discovering universal values beyond local area
• We want our students to become aware of the importance of environmental issues
• We are interested in our students meeting students from other European countries
• Our towns will be known to other European people
• Students and teachers will learn how to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the teaching/learning process.
The aims of our project:
1. The improvement learning motivation and gaining learning skills
2. The improvement of abilities, skills and students’ interests in the field of mathematics and biology subjects
3. The improvement of creativity and innovation among teachers
4. The determination of ecological condition of the environment on the local ground
5. Students acquaintance with the ways of energy production and its influence into ecological environment
6. Broadening the students awareness in the field of environment on the global scale
7. Strengthening effective team cooperation
8. Broadening didactic school activities on the local ground
9. Extending language and information technology skills abilities among students and their teachers
The subject of project- 4 thematic groups:
1. Ecological condition of the environment (biology and geography)
· Factors forming local ecological environment
· Natural disasters and its influence on the environment
· Deforestation - legal regulations
2. Water( chemistry, geography, mathematics)
· Water existence in the environment
· Pollution of natural waters- the way of its purifying
3. Air (chemistry, geography, mathematics)
· constituents of the air and its pollution
· methods of examining the pollution state
4. Energy( physics and mathematics)
· Different kinds of energy
· The sources of energy in a country
· Ecological sources of energy
· The way of functioning the selected sources of energy and its evaluation considering harmful substances