Liceo Ginnasio Statale “ N. Vaccalluzzo”
instytucja partnerska nr 1Zobacz większą mapkę
Historia naszej szkoły sięga do początków XX wieku i cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem władz lokalnych. Jest częścią liceum znajdującego się w miejscowości Enna. W 1945 roku rozpoczęła swoją autonomiczną działalność w ramach dawnej Royal Ginnasio Maiorana. W 1961 r.fakt ten dla społeczności Leonforte był dużym wydarzeniem. Od tego czasu szkoła nasza przyczyniła się do kształcenia miejscowych lekarzy, inżynierów, prawników, nauczycieli, jak również pisarzy czy robotników. w ostatnich latach nasza szkoła była świadkiem „narodzin” nowej gałęzi w edukacji – Liceo-Socio-psico-pedagogico, w której znajduje się połowa klas uczęszczających do szkoły. Zwracamy dużą uwagę na tych uczniów, którzy mają trudności w nauce. Mamy 14 uczniów z różnego typu trudnościami, którzy wymagają szczególnej uwagi. Nauczyciele są aktywnie zaangażowani w niesienie pomocy dla miejscowych uczniów, tak, aby mogli oni zdobywać dalsze kwalifikacje umożliwiające im zmierzenie się z problemami życiowymi. Istotną dla nas kwestią są również sprawy wynikające z socjalnych, ekonomicznych i kulturalnych różnic małego miasta i centrum Sycylii.

Nauczyciele biorący udział w projekcie
1. Ciurca Concetta - DOCENTI2. Italia Cettanna - DOCENTI
3. Prestifilippo Basilio - DOCENTI
4. Vaccaro Giuseppina - DOCENTI
5. Vitale Dario - DOCENTI

Uczniowie biorący udział w projekcie:
1. DI CLEMENTE MARIAELENA - 1°A CLASSICO MY NAME IS: Mariaelena Di Clemente I WAS BORN IN: Nicosia, September the26th 1992 I LIVE IN: Nissoria (Enna - Italy) I attend the third class of ‘Liceo Ginnasio Statale N. Vaccalluzzo” in Leonforte I would like to become: a phisiotherapist I like: listening to music, dancing and singing. My e-mail address is: papimedc@yahoo.com My nickname is: Mariaelena Di Clemente (facebook) | ![]() |
2. TRAVAGLIA SILVIA - 1°A CLASSICO My name is: Silvia Travaglia I was born in: Leonforte, january the19th 1992. I live in Leonforte (Enna - Italy) I attend the third class of ”Liceo Ginnasio Statale N. Vaccalluzzo” in Leonforte. I like: reading, going out with my friends and writing. I would like to become: journalist My e-mail address is: sivvycrazy92@hotmail.it My nickname is: Silvia Travaglia (facebook). | ![]() |
3. ALTAVILLA GRAZIA - 1°A CLASSICO My name is: Grazia Maria Altavilla. I was born in: Leonforte, october the 21st 1992. I live in Nissoria (Enna - Italy) I attend the third class of “Liceo Ginnasio Statale N. Vaccalluzzo” in Leonforte. I Like: listening to music, dancing and going out with my friends. I would like to become: Psychologist or Sociologist My e-mail addres is: GraxM@Hotmail.It My nickname is: Grazia Maria Altavilla (Facebook). | ![]() |
4. SCARPULLA ERMINIA - 1°A CLASSICO MY NAME IS: Erminia Scarpulla I WAS BORN IN: Catania, 29 november 1992 I LIVE IN: Leonforte (Enna - Italy) I attend the 3rd class of ‘Liceo Ginnasio Statale N. Vaccalluzzo in Leonforte I would like to become: I have to think about it. I like listening to music, reading and going out with my friends. My e-mail address is: jill.ilovemyself@hotmail.it My nickname is: Erminia Scarpulla (facebook) | ![]() |
5. STURNIO SARAH -1°B CLASSICO My name is: Sarah Sturnio I Was born in: Catania, September the 10th 1992. I live in Agira (Enna - Italy). I attend the third class of: “Liceo Ginnasio Statale N. Vaccalluzzo” in Leonforte. I like: reading, listening to music, going to gym and going out with my friends. I would like to become a Judge My e-mail address is: m.sturnio@hotmail.com | ![]() |
6. BANNO MARIOLINA - 1°B CLASSICO MY NAME IS: Mariolina Banno. I WAS BORN IN: Enna, july the 4th 1992. I LIVE IN: S. Giorgio of Assoro (Enna - Italy). I attend the third class of “Liceo Ginnasio Statale N. Vaccalluzzo” in Leonforte. I like: sport, listening to music, reading, staying with my friends and I love soccer. I would like to become: I’ll let you know it…! My e-mail address is: marilynfo@hotmail.it. My nickname is: Marilyn (msn). | ![]() |
7. PARISI MARINA - 2°A CLASSICO My name is: Marina Parisi I was born in: Leonforte, 30 november 1991. I live in Leonforte (Enna - Italy) I attend the fourth class of “Liceo Ginnasio Statale N. Vaccalluzzo” in Leonforte. I Like: listening to music, reading and taking care of animals I would like to become a sea biologist My e-mail addres is:mima_crafty@hotmail.it My nickname is: Marina Parisi (Facebook). | ![]() |
8. LIVERA SERENA - 2°A CLASSICO MY NAME IS: SERENA LIVERA I WAS BORN IN: Enna, 09 april 1991 I LIVE IN: Agira (Enna - Italy) I attend the 4nd class of ‘Liceo Ginnasio Statale N. Vaccalluzzo’ in Leonforte I would like to become a sea biologist I like listening to music, reading and going out with my friends My e-mail address is: selen_winnix@hotmail.it My nickname is: Serena Livera (facebook) | ![]() |
9. POPOLO SILVIA - 2°A CLASSICO My name is: Silvia Popolo. I was born in: Leonforte, May the 20Th 1991. I live in: Leonforte (Enna, Italy) I attend the fourth class of “Liceo Ginnasio Statale N. Vaccalluzzo” in Leonforte. I like: Listening to music, reading, playing bass and going out with my friends. I would like to become: Criminologist. My e-mail address is: do_your_doose@hotamail.it My nickname is: Silvia Popolo (facebook). | ![]() |
10 . LO PUMO MARIA CHIARA - 1°B SPP MY NAME IS: Maria Chiara Lo Pumo I WAS BORN IN: Leonforte 15 march 1992 I LIVE IN: Leonforte (Enna - Italy) I attend the third class of” Liceo Ginnasio Statale N. Vaccalluzzo” of Leonforte. I like listening to music, dancing and going out with my friends. I would like to become: a police woman. My e-mail address is: enpc050004@istruzione.it | ![]() |
11. MARIA PIETRO - 1°B SPP My name is: Pietro Maria I was born in: Leonforte 02 march 1992 I live in: Leonforte (Enna - Italy) I attend the 3rd class of “Liceo Ginnasio Statale N. Vaccalluzzo” in Leonforte. I like listening to music and playing football. My e-mail adress is: enpc050004@istruzione.it I would like to become a pilot. | ![]() |
12. GIANGRECO ALESSIA - 2°B SPP My name is: Alessia Giangreco I was born in: Leonforte 15/03/91 I live in: Leonforte (Enna - Italy) My e-mail address is: alex.y@hotmail.it My nickname is: AISSELA I attend the 4th class of “Liceo Ginnasio Statale N. Vaccalluzzo” of Leonforte. I like joking, amusing, reading and listening to music! I would like to become a director! | ![]() |